Opportunits Propaganda
It is clear now that crooks have crept into property business; these deceitful form a racket to rip off innocent investors from their hard earned savings. Their modus operandi is to create hype with orchestrated voice to off load their
files at opportune time at unrealistically high
prices which they had purchased at very low prices and this cycle repeats quite a number of times before the ballot. Common investor gets swayed in the herd ultimately falls prey to these cunning investors. After ballot results the same crooked tycoons with dubious identities hit back on different forums with all the negativities to demoralize the weak holders. I can see on this forum too these clever investors lamenting against Phase 9 which before the ballot result was termed as a jewel in DHA’s crown.
This is a lesson for those who without thinking get carried away by propaganda and make hasty decisions. As regards phase 9 it is yet another phase like other phases launched by DHA and unwarranted delay in its launching reveals that there were some problems faced by DHA in land acquisition but now hopefully things seem to be moving in right direction and it looks that phase 9 when developed is going to be one of the best phases. So I feel we must not get carried away with false propaganda of Doctors and Economists therefore hold the ground to maximize the profit unless there is dire need. Point to ponder is that these factories, nallas, grave yards, grid stations boundaries etc are also present in other posh areas and still prices there are out of reach of common man.