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Wednesday, May 13, 2015 07:25 AM PST 

I can not figure out, how come pahse 9 is considered the best DHA project ever?? 20-30% of the plots will be at very bad locations, 30-40% "excellent" plots will go to army people, 10-20% plots have been bought by DHA. So it comes up to only 10-20% "moderately good" plots for civilians. Should we still consider phase 9 the best??? If experts still think phase 9 is the best of all, then it can only be possible if DHA other pahses offered 5-10% good plots to civilians & phase 9 is offereing 10-20%. I have two files in phase 9 but very disappointed to see how this phase is unfolding. :h :h

aa replied on Wednesday, May 13, 2015 09:40 AM PST 

I agree with u 100%.only army persons will get plots near town andphase e 5 M block. Civilian will gey as always average or bad
location plots.

amir replied on Wednesday, May 13, 2015 10:05 AM PST 

sensible conclusion,i agree to the notion.

Amer replied on Wednesday, May 13, 2015 01:32 PM PST 

That is the problem in Pakistan, where civilians are always treated as 2nd or 3rd class citizens. DHA scheme is purely for the benefits of only one community, who makes money at the cost of civilians money. It was first & last time I invested in DHA. It was a good lesson to learn that on common people's hard earned money other "special" people are filling their banks & 90% of people get plots in worse areas. Thanks to lre website & CMY which gave us the awareness.

Khan replied on Wednesday, May 13, 2015 02:49 PM PST 

Dear Amer,

I think there is no need to be disappointed. Civilians are also earning crores from DHA. I believe you must not stop investing in DHA. Anyways, choice is yours

Amer replied on Wednesday, May 13, 2015 03:33 PM PST 

yes, of course every one earns money, but the difference is low class citizens(civilians) earn 10-15 laks & first class citizens earn 30-40 laks per plot.

Tahir Mahmood replied on Wednesday, May 13, 2015 04:09 PM PST 

Dear Amer Ur trying for an unnecessary hate full discussion. Its still time, sell your
files of DHA as u lack trust on those where u have invested. Mere this thing that despite the hate u expressed in ur post u r keeping the files means u r a Hippocratic type of person. my strong feeling is that u hav missed the fright and r trying some thing in vain. CMY to please take note. check his IP address and of those who commented with fake names.

Shahzad Qamar replied on Wednesday, May 13, 2015 04:36 PM PST 

Amir, I am really surprised at your math. how come DHA buy back 400
files (say 400 kanal) is equal to 10-20% of 40000 kanal (say 20000 kanal based files).
Dear sir, rework your calculations please.

KS Noor replied on Wednesday, May 13, 2015 04:39 PM PST 

I agree with Mr. Tahir, we all should be rationale in our discussion, DHA is mainly for Army, no body compel us to invest there, it is our sweet choice where to invest... if you have such mistrust in Army go to LDA, Eaden or else invest in Dubai. plz dont spread disappointment because on the same page majority have earned millions from DHA

mahmad replied on Wednesday, May 13, 2015 07:08 PM PST 

What our civil organizations do? Name a single good housing society developed by LDA. We civilians do nothing and instead try to pull legs of those who deliver.

omer replied on Wednesday, May 13, 2015 11:09 PM PST 

@mahmat sir,even the delivery comes after 20 years ,but it still calls in USA ,never heard that any armed force in the world involves in housing schemes..but thats my BELOVED PAKISTAN.when we here busy developing housiing schemes ,our enemies doing their jobs of slaughtering our COMMOM people in bus..forget all this and makes money everyone..we r sure as muslims that we gonna enjoy our home in thsese societies after 20 years..all the best

mahmad replied on Wednesday, May 13, 2015 11:46 PM PST 

Armed forces are working for their work force. Every good organization do it to retain its work force. People are tempted to join army and that is the purpose . They cannot leave their man power at the mercy of civilian government who cannot even establish a trust worthy housing authority in a country where a single person became a business tycon by delivering quality in time. I think they are doing best in current circumstances. We should ask our political leaders why they cannot make such institutions. Why government with so many resources cannot establish good housing and give it to educated people on lease?

omer replied on Thursday, May 14, 2015 12:07 AM PST 

if army is making those houses for their work force then it shouldnt be sell in open market in shape of
files and affidavits.there are housing schemes provides by army only for army people,not for is not the job of government to provide housing to all the people ,their job is to provide basic facilities like infra strucdture ,health and education and security to its people .yes govt can make low housing schemes for poor but not 2 carore 1 kanal plots.and if u please guide me how many civilian govts finish their term without the asheer baad of armed forces in the history of pakistan ?lets be honest with ourselves ,one question for all of you ,can a civilian with minimum wage of 12000 a month having a wife and one child can live in DHA ?point is that my 1 brother is in US army and they works as p[rofessionals not as the kings ...simple as that...they know how to lives in their salaries ,they dont got plots after every three years of postings in different areas..the only benefits they gets from us govt is that it will help them in education for them and their kids,no plots no foreign trips ,no special treatments whatsoever

amer replied on Thursday, May 14, 2015 07:16 AM PST 

@Omer you summarised the whole Pakistan culture in few lines. Social media is now playing very important role to create awareness among people. The day will come soon when Pakistani people will start realizing what has been happening with them from last 70 years & who has been behind all this.
Wednesday, May 13, 2015 05:31 AM PST 

Dear CMY,

what about the RAHBER phase 2 files.when will be the ballot?
any perdictions about future of RAHBER phase 2.

I have intimation letter on my name,Do i have to pay DHA membership fee again as I am already a member in DHA phase 9.or it will be incuded in the ballot of rahber phase 2 (when ever it will be)


CMY replied on Wednesday, May 13, 2015 05:42 AM PST 

Asim Irfan +923224003475 will be best person to answer it. Make a free call to him via Viber or LINE to check its status. he be sleeping at this time so I cant answer this inquiry.

Choudry Mujahid Yasin ( CMY )

Ali Assad replied on Wednesday, May 13, 2015 10:12 PM PST 

yes you have to pay every time ... as long is you are didn't served in armed forces
Wednesday, May 13, 2015 03:22 AM PST 

how can one confirm if there phase 9 file will be a prt of the ballot on May 15th 2015

MM replied on Wednesday, May 13, 2015 03:32 AM PST 

Dear SA like I am a perfect example ..One agent sold me an efidivet file and told me that it will be part of Ballot. He lied ..Only if the file has a allocation letter than it will be ..otherwise ..

tt replied on Wednesday, May 13, 2015 04:31 AM PST 

MR CMY..Can you please suggest I have 5 marla phase 9 file ..My total cost is 25 lacs and it wont be part of balloting on May 15th..should I sell it before balloting or keep it hoping for some profit?

CMY replied on Wednesday, May 13, 2015 04:39 AM PST 

No need to sell they will keep getting plots in mini ballots every 3 to 6 months. After ballot your non balloted file can be sold higher than todays price of non balloted file. Plz wait till map is out.

Choudry Mujahid Yasin ( CMY )

tt replied on Wednesday, May 13, 2015 04:57 AM PST 

CMY thank you. It is such a relief. Feeling I am not part of Ballot but you are saying eventually 3 - 6 months I will be fine. No need to panic even if I am not part of balloting? Can you please tell me Mr CMY if I could get installment plot after 15th and how much down payment I will need for one kanal to attach it with the application and by when..Please kindly explain. thank you so mucg Sir.

CMY replied on Wednesday, May 13, 2015 05:39 AM PST 

At this time DHA have not offered any plots on installments in DHA9 Prism (Proper).

DHA may or may not offer installment plots in DHA9 Prism on ballot day May 15 2015 or in future. If and when they are available If promise I will
update every one right away.

For now if any one want to buy a plot after ballot in DHA9 Prism 9 (Proper). He will need to make full payment against the plot before a transfer that include full development charges payment to DHA and Rest of the amount to sellers. This will keep going on for about for next 3 to 4 months.

After 3 to 4 moths when every one has his intimation letters DHA starts allowing transfers with due installments of development charges payments only. Rest of the money for development charges is paid by sellers in installments. Seller gets paid for total price minus any development charges at that point.

If you are a buyer you have enough time to research best location and avoid bad location after ballot and think hard and get together all available needed funds into Pakistan to make them ready for purchase. never send token only and that try to send funds later to complete the purchase. Bank in Pakistan keep hold on you funds from my freak reasons and you could get into lot of un needed headache.

If you are a seller you must know true worth of your property before a sale. Educate your self what location is bad and what location is worst. Good location should be kept as they have lot of room to grow from here. But If you get unlucky be realistic and sell plot at current market worth after ballot. Ask too much money for bad location wont get you any where. More you wait on bad location to sell more you loose. ask any bad location plot holder in DHA7 how long they are trying to sell their bad location plots in DHA7. Also ask who got out early and moved to better location by adding extra money. I am not saying just to dump your plot on bad location at first call. But I am saying when the time will come you should try to sell plot on market rate and dont demand unrealistic prices. These days each buyer sellers is very educated and its hard to find simple buyers or sellers. They are more informed these days than dealers.

If you need an example of an educated seller try reading posts of our beloved syed Shaoib bhai :). You think any dealer can ever make a fool out of him :)

For me each buyer or seller is equally important and respectable. I cant tell you to buy or sell only. Each person that has a buy or sell a property have many other things attached to his need to buy or sell. We have to suggest what is best for his in short and long term.
I cant say any thing about all members of LRE team but never in my life time I call any of my clients to ask them to buy or sell any property unless he have already requested in advance to be called or updated if special buy or sell situation show up in market.

Post is getting long again. This was the practice in all past ballots for DHA to aks all development charges in advance to eliminated any problems after transfer about who was going to be responsible in future for development charges. I cant guarantee you same things will happen in future after DHA9 Prism ballot. I not suggesting you to buy or sell based on this info. Your buying or selling based on above info cant add to my own business or hurt my business in any way.

I am just trying to educate buyers and sellers so non of them can get cheated by each other or dishonest dealers. This is how DHA preceded in past ballots.

Choudry Mujahid Yasin ( CMY )

Kamran Qureshi replied on Wednesday, May 13, 2015 01:25 PM PST 


You are a great person . Answering every question in detail and with taking so much pain. You have really raised the bar for any property consultant. Allah bless you and your family and
team members.

Kamran Qureshi
Wednesday, May 13, 2015 02:43 AM PST 
DHA multan vs DHA Gujranwala

Hello dear brother CMY shaib, Nadeem Ghazi, Mab u all stay blessed for guiding me yesterday for investing 5 million

now plz let me know the difference between DHA multan vs DHA Gujranwala as previous posts shows DHA multan batter

what will the fate of files left from balloting of phase 9 it may increase as of 9 town r at high rate now

9 ext price will come down or not

Thank u in advance

MM replied on Wednesday, May 13, 2015 03:21 AM PST 

CMY Please suggest what will happen to the left over
files for Phase 9 which are not included in the ballot on May 15th. Will it go down ?

CMY replied on Wednesday, May 13, 2015 04:40 AM PST 

DHA Multan team plans and land on hand all better than DHA Gujranwala
Wednesday, May 13, 2015 02:31 AM PST 
Closing rates DHA9 Prism ( Proper) All Residential files available

Closing rates DHA9 Prism ( Proper)
Residential files available at

24.25 Lacs
41.50 Lacs
58.25 Lacs

Buyer was hard to find near close today.

Choudry Mujahid Yasin

Nadeem Ghazi replied on Wednesday, May 13, 2015 02:49 AM PST 

Dear CMY.
Any time you post closing rates for DHA9 Prism, Could you please include the 4M/8M Commercial as well.

I am closely watching 4M/8M. Expect to buy one in next 3 months.

Thanks in advance.

Asad replied on Wednesday, May 13, 2015 03:37 AM PST 

I am planning to buy on Thursday if it come below 54 lac.
Otherwise will go to good
location plot @ 75.

CMY replied on Wednesday, May 13, 2015 05:02 AM PST 

Nadeem Ghazi commercial plots transaction are minimum uselessly repeating same rate dont make too much sense. For example I think there are only 82 8-Marla commercial
files issued to date in DHA9 Prism 9 Proper). Most new or recent buyers are not sellers until they get possession of these plots in 5 or 7 ot 10 years time. Price of commercial only goes down when only one seller need money in hurry to pay for more land he is buying in DHA9 extension area. Price rise sharply when couple of buyers show up and this guy refuse to sell his commercial plot at any price. No other sellers in market for past couple of months.

If we dont have buyers or sellers it may not be any help to keep repeating same rates at closing. BTW after two days they will be plots so each location will have its own price. Files may have one rate but plots wont be. This sellers files were allotted last years so his all files will be plots.

On DHA9 Prism map I am told there are very very limited commercial plots so new commercial files may take a long time to come to market. Commercial files are mostly allotted against village clearance. Commercial plots are allotted to Army Gen's and Lt Gen's. Even they are not quick sellers.

Choudry Mujahid Yasin ( CMY )

Abu-Bakar replied on Wednesday, May 13, 2015 07:05 AM PST 

Dear CMY.
I'm also interested in 4M. If we do need to
contact someone at LRE, who do we need to contact?

CMY replied on Wednesday, May 13, 2015 11:18 AM PST 

Abu-Bakar bhai call Adil Saeed bhai +923224009766 or +923004009766 he should be able to assist for better for commercial
files. For all DHA files plz call Adil first.

Choudry Mujahid Yasin ( CMY )
Wednesday, May 13, 2015 01:59 AM PST 
what is the cost per square foot for the grey structure and finishing?

salam, i have bought a 1 kanal plot in DHA phase 7 P block, i am looking to construct a house in the near future. i have contacted a few contractors and every one has given me different rates for construction? can any one please guide me? Moreover what is the price for the 1 kanal plots in P block in the 319-340 plots? i'll be thankful. regards.

syed shoaib replied on Wednesday, May 13, 2015 03:29 AM PST 

i build home in 2011 at 180 sq ft labor charges with my own provided a plus material and cost of less than 105 lac , credit goes to father for expert supervision , now recently i was amazed to hear construction per sq feet rate 280 min ( including elec, saintry and non shaded area). postpone another home construction plan . ...for dha i think a plus material 6500 sq ft with own material now wont cost less than 135 lac's . builders will cost more and have diff rates and different integrity level and quality of material. for gray structure keep in mind 1400 sq ft to 1800 sq ft . and for finishing i think 700 sq ft to 800 sq ft more u need .

Zulfi replied on Wednesday, May 13, 2015 11:50 AM PST 

I read it many times about Gray Structure. Can someone please explain what is gray structure.

Dr. irfan replied on Wednesday, May 13, 2015 01:59 PM PST 

I heared that Grey structure costs around 1100
and normal finishing costs 1800 Sq ft.
Can any one confirm ?
and also Grey structure include plastar or electric acabling or not, kindly confirm guys.
Wednesday, May 13, 2015 01:22 AM PST 

I AM asking this on behalf of my friend he wants to buy kanal plot and have two options 1. valencia 2. iep sector b , he want to know which one is better for living and price of good location kanal in this societies . he worked and i also informed him but want to hear from some other people too .

Jameel replied on Wednesday, May 13, 2015 04:31 AM PST 

Dear Shoaib,
Valencia is more preferable, even in 2006 its price was almost same as as that of Valencia, I remember a plot in 2006 Asking price 35, It is isolated part of IEP, very Close to village almost surrounded by Wapda Town, there are many 2 Kanal plots, in 10 years even it is not packed but recently I did Not check Ground realities.
Valencia is Iconic society in that areas in spite of slowness in market in 2004 to 2005 Its Price is Continuously rising now average Kanal reaches 120+ It is well Planned Community with better infrastructure and Commercial activities, I think there is no Comparison. If you ravel 13 KM then 2 KM More does not matter. Soon Valencia will leave Wapda behind as Wapda is purely residential with poor Commercial planning.
I have been great advocate of Valencia in past for investment but Now Price is too much I don't consider is for investment but for making home it is excellent. I Bought in Valencia Kanal in 2007, now in this price you cant buy 3 merla there.

syed shoaib replied on Wednesday, May 13, 2015 04:58 AM PST 

still Valencia commercial beside property dealers not that active and in demand , valencians even using old wapda commercial centers and pia . and for your info there is plot in iep sect b for sale and owner relative demanding 130 lac for that kanal and not ready to sale it less than that , so may be
prices are higher there than Valencia , i met valencian they were not happy living there but iepians were very satisfied ...... really tough decision for my friend to select .

Jameel replied on Wednesday, May 13, 2015 05:08 AM PST 

I have 2 holdings there and many friends living there they never told such things however I agree that it is a huge town there can be such possibilities but I don't believe it is becoming Sehrab Goth, I Think there is exaggeration, I am aware of some small Hostels as Univ of central Punjab, Comsat and University of Lahore is nearby.
Electric problem is almost solved as work on grid was going on in Feb it should complete in this year.
Coming to wapda Town I have House there as well, I think their main is too narrow to accommodate Commercial.
I feel before spending one Cror you should do good work to get information. My impression about IEP sector B is Not good, Just to save 5,10 lac don't go there, Village is great risk at night all crimes in WAPDA are from this side that is why you are seeing gates in almost all streets. If there is issue of Budget then see 16 Merla in L Block it beautiful and can be accommodated in less than cror .

Jameel replied on Wednesday, May 13, 2015 05:15 AM PST 

130 is too High to me

Jameel replied on Wednesday, May 13, 2015 05:29 AM PST 

If it is plot is near 167 then its approximate worth is 90 Lac Max

syed shoaib replied on Wednesday, May 13, 2015 05:55 AM PST 

no sir jameel its not exaggeration , univ of lahore , ucp , comsats do not have hostels , lot of student living in near by societies specially negros studying in uol or working somewhere only living in valencia on rent and mostly people constructed homes there for rent purpose , people there told me that even their animals on eid use to disappear , and iepian said no bad event so far occurred here we feel more secure in this small gated community as it is security with in security , 90 is not rate there even a plot on mortgage by lda was 100 few months back , 90 is rate in punjab phase 2 where kanal is of 19 marla and gulsh an e lahore these both are not of class like iep , nfc , valencia .

syed shoaib replied on Wednesday, May 13, 2015 06:13 AM PST 

i found ground realities total different , may be those living there have better idea , may be you are right from birds eye view , but my friend said he liked valencia but not people and their experience there , iep planned like societies street in islamabad which he liked and comfortable with plus young lads playing tennis there and boxing coaching center there , neat and clean ro plant, if people of same class is happy in iep sect b than we shd give it try beside it is bit costly than valencia k , j block .

Lahori_guy replied on Wednesday, May 13, 2015 06:21 AM PST 

Shoaib bhai.. In which block of iep u own a plot ?

syed shoaib replied on Wednesday, May 13, 2015 06:27 AM PST 

i do not own a plot in iep sect b

wise replied on Wednesday, May 13, 2015 12:43 PM PST 

Fixing the gate in wapda town Lahore is not for security purpose .It is just for wapda society officers how to get commission (Kick back) in this process

Ibraheem replied on Wednesday, May 13, 2015 02:47 PM PST 

What about IEP sector A ? Is it good society in the long run for living ? What are its future prospects?

Habib replied on Wednesday, May 13, 2015 03:38 PM PST 

Dear Syed Shoib, please confirm what you are telling about valencia, If it is correct then you should avoid it even if you have to pay someting from your Pocket, The question Valencia or IEP sector B should not come to your mind at all.

on the Other hand I believe that many decent families are living in Valencia, I general the evelation of Houses are better than IEP or WAPDA, Roads are 40 Feets Vs 30 Feet, Mian is 150 VS 100. But you may have other reasons to live in IEP secor B Like your relatives already living there.
Before Purchase I would Advise theat go To reputed delaer on WAPDA Goal Chakkar and with the difference of 1,2 Numbers ask that I want to sell this Plot tell me approx worth, What they tell you confirm form someone elese, the true worth will be 2 Lac More than that. 2 Months Back one Plot was sold there in 88-90 Lac, But is was an urget sale. Becuase it is not a big sector so usually you will not find
prices of other plots available in tha sector. It very difficult to sell such a plot if you want to becuase of Viallge and Boundary factor.

syed shoaib replied on Wednesday, May 13, 2015 04:48 PM PST 

iep is a credible institute founded by our quaid e azam , its society are trust able and worthy to live but best thing i good managment , sector b is their model housing society and a starter , sect a is proper few thousand kanal society , its future is bright , many people living and started construction in sector a . but not as luxurious as sector b however a competitor of valencia as it have 2 kanal and one kanal and even 10 marla but in sector b only 2 kanal and one kanal and iep sector a have 18 marla kanal whereas as sect b is 20 marla or u can say marla is bigger and proper in iep sector b .

syed shoaib replied on Wednesday, May 13, 2015 04:52 PM PST 

habib sir we have two consider these both because valencia and iep sect b , nfc are among best societies of southern side of lahore .its just tussle between final two societies. one have edge of many schools , commercial etc other have small society gated, good environment , good people and management plus relaxing beauty .
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