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Postings error should not happen now. We are done in testing,

Wednesday, April 29, 2015 02:36 AM 

Post errors should not happen now. If you get error I need to know it to fix it asap.

I want to thank dozens of callers from many countries who took time to call Adil bhai and told him they are very happy to see me back and active on this web page.

Adil bhai said every one suggested to him that I should't stop posting for longer periods on here but instead I should reduce number of posts and length of posts to help my aggitated hand nerves to for my back pain or other health issues . He said most friends here said to him its ok with them them to leave here some short posts but they want my input on daily bases.

I am thankful from my heart to all of you who called and cared so much and was too concerned about my health issues. Especially Khalid bhai from KSA Fakher bhai Waseem bhai and so so many other greet friends. I am proud of all of you and lucky person to have you my true friend. Even after 3 years time each one of you still remember me like it was only yesterday where I left you.

Thank you Thank you thank you

Choudry Mujahid Yasin ( CMY )

khalid replied on Wednesday, April 29, 2015 05:46 AM 

We pray in HARAM for your good health. you are doing the real heap to all the Pakistanis .

khalid replied on Wednesday, April 29, 2015 05:51 AM 

your great help is so kind .your good advice help a lot to all of us.WE miss you in the forum thanks GOD you are back.