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Congratulation DHA Lahore Phase 9 Ballot On May 15 2015,

Thursday, April 30, 2015 02:55 PM 

Breaking News

Breaking This News Here First Once Again For All My Friends.

Congratulation to all files holders DHA Lahore Phase 9 Ballot To Be Held On May 15 2015. DHA also officially briefed all DHA registered dealers today evening to inform about ballot date.

Newspaper advertisements to be in weekend newspapers.

25000 Kanal to be balloted. Will have 3 Kilo meter main boulevard. Like I guessed before almost every 8 Marla commercial plot to be located on a 3 Kilometer long main boulevard (Most likely a 150 feet or larger road).

I am so glad today for all of you because I personally convinced 1000s of people to buy DHA Lahore phase 9 at 13.75 lacs to 18 lacs price range about 4 to 5 years ago.

Every one is request to please fill this form if have not done it so far.This >>> BALLOT READY check <<< is to make sure your files enter in next ballot and you dont have to wait few more years for next ballot.

Link For Ballot Ready & To Get Ballot Results Form >>>

This info will be kept private and also keep in mind all this info in printed in newspapers DHA website inside DHA office list after ballot.So if I needed it I could get it after ballot any way. I am JUST trying to help you now before ballot. Its not a must requirement to do BALLOT READY check but no harm in doing so as its 100% free service for ALL LRE clients and ALL visitors especially my overseas brothers and sisters who cant come to Pakistan to do it or request their relatives to stand in long lines to check their files. I dont want a single person to miss his file from ballot as it will cost you minimum 25 to 30 lacs to miss this ballot for any minor reason.

Choudry Mujahid Yasin ( CMY )

Saim replied on Thursday, April 30, 2015 03:05 PM 

Dearest CMY
U r always informed well but please read below mr Saim's write up.

headliner replied on Thursday, April 30, 2015 03:08 PM 

CmY sb 25000 kanal is to be ballot after ballot any more files left unballoted and o share if a cut off date for file for ballot

Ashfaq Khan replied on Thursday, April 30, 2015 03:12 PM 

Thanks CMY sahib, you guided me well also.

Hassan Khan replied on Thursday, April 30, 2015 03:17 PM 

Thanks CMY sb. What about phase 9 town possession? Will it also be given on 15th May.

Saim replied on Thursday, April 30, 2015 03:19 PM 

Dear CMY
Water cooler aap Canton,,,Detroit ship karein...but I just wanted ur people to info u first of left a vague message,,,,I had known it from an official channel.
u r the boss.stay blessed.
And please ask mr saimi mail's to be blocked becos he was using ugliest language.

Khalid replied on Thursday, April 30, 2015 03:24 PM 

Dear CMY, if we buy file now tomorrow, will it be added in balloting ?

DHA Phase 9 replied on Thursday, April 30, 2015 03:38 PM 

Dear CMY,

Will DHA also announce booking on installment for non file holder as was done for DHA TOWN?


CMY replied on Thursday, April 30, 2015 03:43 PM 

All files that are transferred till day before ballot are included in ballot. Keep in mind they are allocation letters already and only ownership changes in transfer.

DHA dont care who is owner and do ballot for all completed allocation letters till last day before ballot. So all files transferred till last day will be in ballot.

YK replied on Thursday, April 30, 2015 03:43 PM 

CMY sb and Adil....Alhamduliah.. I Remb I called Adil Saeed three yrs ago and he advised me to buy ph9! And soon inshallah I'm positive for good location as well post ballot. I'm cmng to Lahore soon for transaction in Lahore on Adil's advice . Which could meet u if ur cmng to LHR? Else would love to meet u soon wn I'll be US soon Inshallah.

Thanks CMY and Adil for best support. Alhamdulilah

gladiator replied on Thursday, April 30, 2015 04:17 PM 

With due respect! No ballot happening.... Just another dealers game to make money!

gladiator replied on Thursday, April 30, 2015 04:22 PM 

I should say Big Investors not only dealers!

Jameel replied on Thursday, April 30, 2015 04:28 PM 

Great news Dear CMY,
Now few Questions
This 8 Merla you mean commercial this Bahria Town and Broadway style Commercial and will gain too Much, but I think initial good supply will help to keep the price in range of vigilant investor.

Is there any comment about Public Offering suppose it is offered at at 80 Lac on Installments do you think it is worthwhile to buy or wait for cash plots ? Like experience of DHA 7 and 8.

Do you Think This news will bring iVY gren bit lower down at which price you think 10 Merla is best buy in ivy green?

What will be impact on Phase 7 Kanal plots will they come under pressure??

opinion replied on Thursday, April 30, 2015 04:42 PM 

How much can rise phase 9 5 marla file in these 15 days till ballot?

CMY replied on Thursday, April 30, 2015 04:46 PM 

Jameel bhai from first day average price of DHA 9 one kanal residential plots will 85 to 90 lacs for cash and instalments plots. Corners facing parks large roads will be over 1 crore and worst possible locations will be 75 to 80 lacs.

Commercial 8 marla minimum 4 crore after ballot and 4 marla commercial 240 to 250 to lacs. Instalments plots are expected to offered at 85 to 90 lacs but will sell more than a crore because few winner dont sell and buyers pay amount in easy 3 years instalments.

These prices are almost near DHA7. You xan already see prices of DHA9 Town are a lot higher than DHA7.1000s already know this fact. DHA 7 have on ground plots. But DHA 9 to have its plots in 3 years instalments. This will keep cash plots of DHA 7 prices just below DHA7. DHA 9 location is far better as its already covered on all four sides with populated or developed areas and will have access from 3 Lahore Ring road interchanges including DHA5 DHA6 interchange via M block. Askari 11 DHA town and DHA5 to be directly connected.

Mian yasir replied on Thursday, April 30, 2015 05:08 PM 

Good news and congratulations to all my friends and actual dha phase 9 file holders who suffered a lot in this long run of 5 years. I always emphasis "NOT TO SELL YOUR FILE" otherwise you will regret.
Finally your dreams comes true now enjoy ballot or eat your ripped fruit within these 15 days. And i would also like to thankfull to CMY who guided all those people through out the period of 5 years. Although CMY sb. & Shahzad your absence for Dec. to Feb 2015 cost me a lot. And finally my million dollar question to CMY what do you suggest the price of 5 Marla till 10 May 2015.? Thankyou and MAY ALLAH BLESS YOU ALWAYS.

saqib replied on Thursday, April 30, 2015 05:19 PM 

CMY ! u r a gem !! Heartiest Thank you and may ALLAH always keep u healthy and safe !! u have always shared ur sincere advice to us !!love u alot !!

saqib replied on Thursday, April 30, 2015 05:28 PM 

CMY please kindly share info about the development charges on different files sizes of phase 9 !

ZB replied on Thursday, April 30, 2015 05:30 PM 

CMY Bhai

After this great news where do we see the price of DHA-9 1K file 10 m and 5m from tomorrow. Is it worth to buy before ballot or after ballot.

Please advise .

Shafqat replied on Thursday, April 30, 2015 05:46 PM 

Dear CMY Congratulation for great news. U r always well wisher of all file 9 holders. I need ur kind suggestion. I buy three files 6 years ago after reading ur comments. what can i do for paying development charges? sale one r two files before r after balloting? ur comments please?

Ahmet replied on Thursday, April 30, 2015 05:53 PM 

So it's safe to see that we should see a 5% jump in phase 9 file prices tomorrow? and 10% when the news is officially announced!

Humaira replied on Thursday, April 30, 2015 06:16 PM 

Cmy sir i filled the form you posted here for conformation whether my file is include the ballot or not almost two weeks back but i did not get any respond from you or ur team regarding my file and some other query. plz let me know about it Asap. thanx in advance

CMY replied on Thursday, April 30, 2015 06:33 PM 

On comming May 15 2015 ballot no instalments plots will be offered. Instalments plots will be offered in a separate latter ballot.

zaheer replied on Thursday, April 30, 2015 06:35 PM 

Dha 9 extension files ll b also baĺloted?

CMY replied on Thursday, April 30, 2015 06:37 PM 

Hamaira sahiba I personally sent email that your paperwork is complete. I MAY have mistyped your email address as I misspell more than any body else here :) All ready to go for you. Will send you all other their plot numbers too after the balloting.

CMY replied on Thursday, April 30, 2015 06:43 PM 

Due to already large number of files tk be balloted DHA not going to fliid market with new files. Once these plots are settled in market DHA will have more chance to get higher revenue by offering instalments plots on a letter stage. DHA have maga workload ahead for intimation letters from current files.

Maria replied on Thursday, April 30, 2015 06:54 PM 

I also submitted by form. Didn't get a response Mr.CMY

Mian yasir replied on Thursday, April 30, 2015 07:00 PM 

CMY sb. My question is still unresponded? What do you predict the price of 5 Marla file till 15 may? Do you think that these 5 Marla is located somewhere near 9 town 5 Marla plots?

CMY replied on Thursday, April 30, 2015 07:27 PM 

Typing on phone so will post expected prices and development charges. For now expect prices to same as in Ivy Green. Keep in mind those prices are without development charges. DHA9 development charges will be a lot lower thaan Ivy Green as military personnel have to pay them too on their DHA9 proper files to.

syed shoaib replied on Thursday, April 30, 2015 07:52 PM 

cmy anything available now in 13 to 18 budget like 5 year back ? , to gain like this , what s for young lads who are now taking interest in property investment with this budget ?

CMY replied on Thursday, April 30, 2015 09:17 PM 

Expected prices of plots in DHA Lahore phase 9 30 days after ballot when people get their intimation letters.

32 for bad locations to 42 lacs f for facing park corners and large roads for a 5 marla
48 for bad locations to to 65 Lacs for facing park corners and large roads. for 10 malra
75 Lacs for bad locations to 100 Lacs for facing park corners and large roads.

Commercial 8 marla minimum 400 Lacs plus after ballot and 4 marla commercial minimum 240 to 250 to lacs at start of trading after ballot is held.

In past I was able to correctly predict DHA phase 7 and DHA 8 residential plots and DHA6 N block commercial and DHA phase 8 commercial plots. I will be in big surprise if they are too lower or higher than above ranges.

These are not just some made up prices as above prices are almost same as most recently balloted Ivy Green market prices after ballot. Ivy Green is small block. DHA phase 9 proper is a big and lot better planned after years of town planning work and also have far superior location compared to currently isolated Ivy Green

These prices are with out development charges of 18 to 20 lacs max.

More wise to buy file now before ballot and take chance. Even if plot is worst location you be ok. Just sell it and add little more money for a good location. You can still buy files and have them transferred BEFORE ballot unless DHA stops their transfers before ballot. In past DHA allowed it to be transfer files till last day before ballot. If you are buying or bought a file and It cant be transferred before ballot make sure you sign a baina with enough amount on stamp paper and have that baina placed in DHA in that file. That seller can never ever sell that file or plot until he pays you double the amount of baina or transfer you plots that he got against that file. From today all buyers sellers should be extra careful as bad deals happen every where but there are ways to protect you 100%. Try to be safe than sorry.

It was better that some one bought a file and got it transferred before ballot news. Now there are some very minor risks that some deals may get complicated with some sellers backing out or deals or atleast try to get out of sale. In 99% sellers cant back out in DHA but 5 out of 1000 try it near ballot in current situations.They just waist their time and had to transfer file or plot to buyers at the end.

Still I request my LRE team not to deal in any files until you are able to lock the deal as per my strict instruction in past. We prefer not to deal at in any file if have little doubt that deal may fall apart. Our niyaat is always saaf but we dont know how other dealers or their sellers will act. You got some greedy dealers that go to any extent in times like these. Every will be looking for files now and there will be hardly any sellers. Buyers here are told in advance we will try our best to buy files for you honestly and will try our best to lock deals with max protection for your token money so it gets transferred in your name with out trouble as we deals with only highly respected dealers or clients. If for any reason file transfer is not completes you are guaranteed of to have 100% of your own payment only to the original amount you paid. Cant promise any more than this. Things wont be in our hands if it happen at all. Insha Allah no one can take care you with more honesty than us. And Insha Allah all deals till ballot will go through without any hitch. Been very lucky in all past ballots with help of Allah and never had any single deal fall apart due to people backing of in this kind of situations.

Shahzad replied on Thursday, April 30, 2015 09:27 PM 

Dear CMY

is the DHA town ballot is also going to be held on 15 May?

Mian yasir replied on Thursday, April 30, 2015 09:44 PM 

Shahzad bhai i think DHA will give possession to plot holders of 9 town instead of ballot.

Mian yasir replied on Thursday, April 30, 2015 10:06 PM 

Dear CMY sb. If you want to construct your own house of 1k in dha. After a period of allmost 5 to 10 years. What option do you wisely click.
1. Dha phase 8 proper or
2.Dha phase 9 proper
Kindly explain?

Property-Analyst replied on Thursday, April 30, 2015 10:07 PM 

With due respect, just my careful thoughts:
As per CMY: (1 kanal will be 75 Lacs for bad locations to 100 Lacs for facing park corners and large roads.)
F/Park, Corner, Large Road prices seem OK.
58 Lacs (File Rate) + 18 Lacs (Dev Charges) + 3 Lacs (DHA CVT, Stamp Transfer Expenses) + 58,000 (Agent Commission) = 79,58,000/- Almost 80 Lacs Plot will cost you and if you get bad location, first you will not get any buyer or if get anyone, then will have to sell at loss by 5-10 Lacs.
How to justify it?
I think many people who will sell their files before ballot, will atleast grab the profits they have already gained from old lower purchase price.
It is 25%-75% chance game.

How will you justify it? replied on Thursday, April 30, 2015 10:32 PM 

Property-Analyst It will be a tough task for DHA to make each of 25000 plots a bad location.

CMY replied on Friday, May 1, 2015 12:01 AM 

Madam Maria you just submitted form yesterday. Please allow us 3 to 4 working days to check it. If we ask DHA to check all files in one day they might not be too happy and just say bring in the owner too.
So we are getting them checked in small number at a time.

I will get back to you soon via email. Thanks for reminder.

Ali from Canada replied on Friday, May 1, 2015 02:35 AM 


Dear CMY

I have two plots in DHA phase 9 town. Can we expect DHA town possesion announced on the same day as DHA 9 ballot day.

Or lets suppose if there is no possession news for DHA town can we still expect the prices will jump because of DHA phase 9 map next to DHA town...

Ali from Canada

CMY replied on Friday, May 1, 2015 03:31 AM 

Ali bhai likely to get possession in DHA town block A B C in Dec 2015. D will take longer. No grid station boundaries ready yet. Dha town files to be balloted with DHA phase 9 proper and DHA phase 9 extention to be renamed DHA10.

saleem replied on Friday, May 1, 2015 04:46 AM 

Dear cmy sb I could not make to your advice of having 2 8m comm instead of 1 4m and 8m .what about if I buy in coming couple of days will my file be included in ballot.and if I could not buy 8m where should I go with 18 to 19 million budget.i hope you remembervme.plz answer

CMY replied on Friday, May 1, 2015 05:24 AM 

Saleem sahib yed if files can be found they can be transferred in your name and will be in next ballot. Must make sure you dont buy affidavit file now. ONLY buy allocation files now till ballot.

If any one have an affidavit file. Please pay urgent fee to get allocation made in a hurry for ballot.

JFYI currently DHA 9 commercial of 8 marla is not available at even 315 lacs offers so It will be very very hard task find files now. Give a call to Adil Saeed bhai asap so he is aware if he finds it he can contact you.

Choudry Mujahid Yasin ( CMY )