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Change of Address,

Saturday, May 2, 2015 10:46 PM 

CMY Sahib ! Allah Bless You , this site is blessing for oversea Pakistanis. I am from Maine USA . I bought a file of Dha 9 in 2008. This have an old Pakistani address.That i need to change now to receive an intimation letter from DHA after ballot.
My question is;

1- How can I apply change of Address while living in USA. Can I apply on line for that?
2- What document I needed for support?
3- How can I verify if has been changed.I might have done it 2009 but not sure.
Thanks for your services and by the Way I bought my second file of Dha9 through Lahore Real Estate. Had great experience.

Rabbani replied on Saturday, May 2, 2015 10:52 PM 

Can I have USA address on my file ?

CMY replied on Sunday, May 3, 2015 12:03 AM 

Typing error due to typing on cell phone. I hate auto spell correction on phone.

My back starts killing me in minutes when I sit too long to lay on bed on wrong position to type on my laptops. So I have to type all these long posts on my phone. Its not painful but takes too much time plus too much mistyped letters. I am worst speller amy way and typing on phone make posts look more ugly :)

With long posts being type on phone I make many mistakes..

Rabbani replied on Sunday, May 3, 2015 02:05 AM 

Thank you Choudry Sahib for your quick response .
May Allah make healthy .Aameen.