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Lahore Rea lEstate ,

Tuesday, May 5, 2015 07:26 AM 

All friends are informed one guy is again playing games here today by posting fake questions like dealer said you will get 43 lacs out of 63 lacs after ballot etc.

He is also posting galyan and fatwey at same time here and praising himelf with more names. I have no choice but to delete all his posts with many names


you still want to see read all his posts and let him play with your kids and Pakistan future. He has nothing to lose because he dont have any thing but free time to disturb you me all of us.

It dont make any difference to me if DHA9 is up or down and dont care. For me money dont matter anymore. Seen done it all. No hunger left.

If I try to block his or other waley people posts Jameel Habib and Shahzad Qamar and other old friends posts get blocked too and they get frustrated. I dont have any energy left due to overworking my self to help people here and dont have free time to sort out and re post all blocked posts. Sorry I just cant do it.

You pick and tell me block all new posts to stop galyan postings and just post only rates updates

Dont block any thing leave it 100% open

Any 5 year old kid these days can go to an open forum like ours and post what ever they want. This guy by disturbing us all with all his non sense posts thinks he is some IT expert No way to stop people like these unless they themself start on their own. Allah ka khauf hi in ko seedi rah par la sakta hey.

MNI replied on Tuesday, May 5, 2015 07:48 AM 

Dear CMY,

Plz don’t stress too much over such idiots, people are not stupid and are well aware of such attention seeking individuals. Let this person post freely he/she/50-50 whatever the case will eventually tire out when no one pays any heed to nonsense !!

On a separate note, appreciate the input you put into this forum. Keep up the great work!!



Zafar Iqbal replied on Tuesday, May 5, 2015 07:50 AM 

Its better if you delete posts from such people

Mohsin replied on Tuesday, May 5, 2015 07:57 AM 

Dear CMY,

Just Relax...

You earned a respect among many of us and we really appreciate your efforts. You must be facing such people in real life almost on daily basis and I am sure you know how to treat with them.


Ahsan replied on Tuesday, May 5, 2015 07:57 AM 

Dear Respected CMY Sahib

You are doing a great job for all people by guiding them. This forum is active and we all are sharing our views and opinions and seeking advice from experts. I have no words to appreciate your and other forum members such as jameel sahib, Qamar and others inputs and analysis.

Malik replied on Tuesday, May 5, 2015 08:05 AM 

CMY Sahib, you are great man, dont worry about it, this forum is sensible enough because of your efforst to see DHANDLI whereever it is. we wish him good luck also.

CMY replied on Tuesday, May 5, 2015 08:06 AM 

By the time I see his posts to delete too many innocent friends have fallen in his trap and posted answers. than I feel so bad to delete their posts too. I dont want them to think my niyaat is bad and I am wrongly deleting my old friends posts. Once a post is blocked or deleted even sense able people here like Shazad Qamar get unhappy. See his post today. Shazad Qamar dont know yesterday I had blocked 22000 attempt to post on this page in massive DNS attack and spam attack and had to disable highly needed in critical time like this very important search function of this webpage. If i dont do blocks we cant stay online. If I block people get unhappy like this friend is. To me he is still a friend. He came here to this website to learn like me and make money too perhaps. what else could attract some to very boring subject of real estate. He is looking to buy property but at lower price.

This person was arguing with logic DHA9 will go down and he may buy lower. I was enjoying his posts too. Against his expectations DHA9 started to rise sharply and he started to use multi names to save hi ego or buy it lower. When I saw use of multi names tried to request few time here not to do this un fair play. When he didnt stop had no choice but to block or delete his posts. When I block his post other people important help requests get blocked too. And seeing that hurts me. I admit may be a bad evil or greedy person for this guy but what is the fault of all other 1000s who visited this webpage and were even reading his dozens of post in past few weeks.

Friend just wasted more than 1 hour of important time in this useless post. should have used it to reply to more ballot check inputs Its 4.17 am in Chicago and I am going to sleep now and leaving site almost un blocked entirely so he too can have his say. Dont want to be unfair to him.

Choudry Mujahid Yasin ( CMY )

bilal replied on Tuesday, May 5, 2015 08:16 AM 

CMY sir,

just relax and have some sweet dreams.and get up later with new energy.
Stay Bless

Naveed KSA replied on Tuesday, May 5, 2015 08:20 AM 

I think this can be control or reduced by putting some check while posting any text on this portal, like email address must while posting any ad and confirmation code should be send to email to activate the post.
same thing happened here on
just an idea as I am not an IT expert so don't know the other effects...

Zafar Iqbal replied on Tuesday, May 5, 2015 08:21 AM 

Dear CMY Relax we all know about your niyat and most importantly Allah Knows every one niyat.

just remember if you are a good guy then you must face difficulties so DIL BURA MAT KARO AUR G BHAR JIYO

I would like to say you something (summary of my life learning habit) may be you got the point.


so if you are doing good for others then just keep doing it and dont think about bad people.

Amir Khan replied on Tuesday, May 5, 2015 08:45 AM 

Dear CMY,

The world is full of people, both good and bad. You have to expect and accept that like any field of life, here too there would be a proportionate representation of such elements. But there should be checks and balances to ensure decency, respect and discipline is maintained while accessing this website. Adding suitable filteration and cleansing process could provide solution to this issue.
In the end, you are doing a commendable job, backed up by a good team of professionals. This may be the only forum, where everyone can ask a question ( even not property related) and expect a genuine answer from righteous persons. So keep up the good work and turn adversity to opportunity. Together we all can make a difference. Unity in Diversity. Cheers.

Faisal UK replied on Tuesday, May 5, 2015 08:46 AM 

Dear CMY,

You are doing a great job by running this informative platform.Ignore these illiterate people.
delete all his posts and run the web site with rules.

We all are with you.


SalmanKhan replied on Tuesday, May 5, 2015 09:16 AM 

why not have 4-5 admins of this group who check it regularly for any such issue

investor replied on Tuesday, May 5, 2015 09:20 AM 

Dear CMY,

I think you are talking about me (investor name). First all let me very much clear that I never posted with different names. I am sure you got confused. I have no link with other names like galyan and fatwey and they are someone else.

Secondly, I swear by GOD that dealer called me and ask me to sell file as soon as possible and same words as I mentioned in my question. Yes you can say my question was like a 5 year old kids. But everyone is not by birth 50 years old. everyone get experience from the bad and good incidents. It is unfortunate that instead of criticizing that dealer who was trying to mislead me and my other fellows of as you said 5 years old kids, you are criticizing me. I don't know what was wrong in my simple question that hurt you. But, I think you should respect the new comers in property as well instead of insult them without any solid reason. I am not a fake person, I am not an IT expert, I never posted on your website except one question today. So, may be you feel yourself as guru of this market and you are the great fairest person in the world of property but remember the property dealer who called me is also your community.

It was necessary to clear my position, again sorry if anyone hurt

Khizer Inayat replied on Tuesday, May 5, 2015 09:32 AM 

Dear CMY, I would recommend to use for your site or try starting a new site using this service. It will be very interactive and management will be much easier.

Shahzad Qamar replied on Tuesday, May 5, 2015 01:49 PM 

CMY, you are really an outstanding guy and your untiring efforts are truely appreciating. after watching posts during last week I understand now why you decided to opt for blocking. Thats why I earlier requested to allow registration of users through their emails this way its very easy to block users. but you already informed it did not work in past....hoping for best and thanks for keeping this website alive for 100s of users who need information on real estate.

CMY replied on Wednesday, May 6, 2015 02:42 AM 

investor sahib thanks for talking with sense. I got your point. Lets take a new start. I may have made some mistake too unknowingly so my apology if I hurt your feelings.

Choudry Mujahid Yasin