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Lahore Rea lEstate ,

Tuesday, May 5, 2015 03:41 PM 

Colsing prises

1K-63 Lacs ( Sold during day as hi as 63.25 but at close most buyers at 62.75 50% sellers 50% buyers so could still go up but may go down 1 2 lacs due to 2 lacs correction in 5 marla files also because most NDC applied for its sales)

10M-43 Lacs ( very less buy selling in this in realty mostly sellers in market . 70 % sellers 30% buyers)

5M-25.50 Lacs ( Due to rumor spreed in market mostly by dealers community to scare people into selling their 5 marla files so dealer can actually have some commissions form some deals. Price of five malra files is fallen about 2 lacs from peak in last 2 3 days. Dealers are spreading gossip saying 5 marla is not going in ballot or all files may not be in ballot. Some saying DHA town wont be in ballot but proper will be. Some saying proper wont be but not town files wont be. Some saying none of 5 marlas. After major selling to as low as 25 lacs price started to go up again again near close. Now buyers 60% and sellers 40%. Most buyers 25.25 most sellers asking 25.50.

4M commercial proper files -220 Lacs (Less buying inquires than last week but not a single new seller in market)
8M commercial proper files 350 Lacs Less buying inquires than last week but not a single new seller in market)

There were over 400 NDC applied to sell DHA9 files in DHA office in next week. This was highest record of one day sales as previously we never saw more than 120 NDC. 90% of these NDC applied are for DHA9 1 kanal residential files. 17% for 5 marla about 3% for all other phases and DHA9 10m

My take now looking at my data of buyer seller data and NDC filling in on Monday

DHA 5 marla will trade between 24 to 28 in next 9 days. Will gain from today prices may be after 1 or 2 day break. I trust DHA admin advertisement in all news papers. It never said in it 5 marla will not be included in ballot. It said DHA9 ballot to be held if 5 marla was not going to be in it should have been in newspaper or DHA office should have officially announced it on its website. In my opinion it will be surprise of life time as DHA have mostly issued 5 marla in last 3 years against DHA9 area agri land. i think more than 35% files in DHA9 proper may be now 5 marla. So if no clear announcement from DHA it should be understood all files to be balloted. Since no sellers available till last week dealers cant just see price keep going up with out any trading in them so spread rumors to generate some trading and lot of deals. We should see 24 to 28 lacs range in next 9 days before ballot. DHA9 5 marla is very strong buy at under 25 lacs for all my friends even if it is not included in May 15 ballot it will reward you for next 3 to 5 years holding. Dont pay attention to 2 lacs up or down during these wild swings before ballot. You cant sell at peak you cant buy at bottom either. So go with you plans not with swings. Even if its not included you got to have a ballot here in hurry as DHA9 with 5 marla in ballot or map cant be imagined or digested by me. It should be purchased now for only your long term holding and commitment.

DHA9 1 Kanal can see 60 to 65 lacs range in next 9 days. Same here buy at 63 or less before ballot but dont pay more than todays price. With development charges dont make sense before ballot for paying above it.

One more point I musst mention here. Any body that boought DHA9 till Monday after noon at 27 lacs or plus. If you have paid token of 1 lac to your dealer but have not received papers of you 5 marla files. You must demand papers now from your dealer. Your dealer may have sold you a file he never had to make money out of your tocken. Till Monday after noon DHA9 5 marla not one file was available in market at 27 to 27.50 lacs. Satabaz dealers group sold many files at that price but never had papers for those files. They spread rumors to drive price down buy keep selling the files they never had. They are hoping that you leave deal and your token money thinking file will fall further. Even if you stay firm they buy at lower rate and make profit. If you bought a file have your dealer give you papers of that file and tell him you want transfer vouchers too now since you paid token money. chanced are DHA9 5 marla will see all of sudden 2 lacs up again due to buying of these satteybaz dealers and you will lose chance to buy it lower.

If a dealer sold you a file and after getting token if not proving you file documents with applied NDC or transfer fee voucher you dealer is not working for you. He is a sateteybaz. He is looking for you to say OH I am backing out of transfer and willing to take loos of token money. That dealers pockets that token money without buying any file for you.

Your goal was not to see where is price today. I think you made deal at that price for 3 to 5 years time. Am I right so protect your hard earned money. Get paper from dealers now to make sure you are cheated. I still less actual sellers but it low due to buyers now in fewer numbers until DHA clears all files are included. After DHA will sat that look for 27 to 28 lacs price and again no files in market to transfer in your name.

With just rising prices and no sellers dealers just cant sit clapping these huge rises. They need files to sell to buyer. So this kind of madness always witnessed near ballot. Long term buyers have hard time to transfer any thing even in these big ups and down in prices.

Choudry Mujahid Yasin ( CMY )

Khurram Javaid replied on Tuesday, May 5, 2015 04:03 PM 

Thanks CMY for detail and realistic conclusion.

Saim replied on Tuesday, May 5, 2015 04:13 PM 

Dear CMY
I am the same guy who broke the news of recall ur breaking news on ballot comment.???Now I can once again tell u with 100 % surety that all 5 marla files are to be balloted and given plot numbers with map.So rumor spreaders ...u know their objectives,,,,,ruthless scavengers>>>>

Hassan Khan replied on Tuesday, May 5, 2015 04:15 PM 

Dear CMY bhai

What is your take on Dha Town files? Is it a good buy at current rate?


phase nine replied on Tuesday, May 5, 2015 04:15 PM 

In sha Allah saim Sahib

Jameel replied on Tuesday, May 5, 2015 04:30 PM 

This is very Balanced Opinion I 100% agree with You

Dr hassan replied on Tuesday, May 5, 2015 04:40 PM 

What about phase 9 10 m file . What will b its fate after ballot. Y is it trading low in these last few days

Usman replied on Tuesday, May 5, 2015 06:23 PM 

CMY sir,

Do you really think that DHA admin will clarify that 5 marla files also included in this ballot? Direly needed.

CMY replied on Tuesday, May 5, 2015 07:00 PM 

Usman DHA never issues statement on any good or bad rumors. They dont care about price swings. DHA registered dealers association can issue statement after consulting with DHA but why would they stop market trading activities. They are dealer representative not the owners. Ugly truth but a truth.