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Wednesday, May 6, 2015 04:24 AM 

Todays Add !

UAE replied on Wednesday, May 6, 2015 04:30 AM 

please send the link for the above add........

SalmanKhan replied on Wednesday, May 6, 2015 04:34 AM 

Please see here

Rahza replied on Wednesday, May 6, 2015 04:36 AM

CMY replied on Wednesday, May 6, 2015 04:43 AM 

Its ok. All NEW allocation that are issued till April 30th will be included in ballot.

Means ALL old allocation transfers issued before april 30th will be in ballot.

All affidavit files intimation letter issued after april 30th MAY not be in ballot.

So all buyers make sure you buy ONLY allocation files. No affidavit files buying or making them allocation by paying urgent fees. And make sure allocation you buy is issued before April 30th. Some one can buy affidavit today and make it unguent allocation and than sell you for transferring before ballot wont make to to this ballot. That allocation will have to wait for months or years for next ballot.

Some people that are not visitors of this website may get into loss.

If you made any purchase DEMAND YOUR DEALER TO SHOW YOU PAPERS NOW FOR YOUR TOCKEN MONEY YOU PAID or you are at risk he may hand you over a newly issued allocation tomorrow that will be few lacs lower in price after this important news.

Since we dont know an allocation was issued against affidavit after April 3oth or against old allocation transfer MY STAFF and visitors must not buy an allocation that is issued AFTER April 30th even if some says its old allocation but re issued after April 30th due to transfer from old allocation.

Files available for sale may be reduced sharply in numbers due to this. Old allocation may or may not gain in price.

All new affidavits are not worth the price of 63 any more today after this news. They will be priced few lacs lower after this news.

Rahza replied on Wednesday, May 6, 2015 04:54 AM 

very well clarified by CMY the prices should not go down...but one must visit this website :D :P

Rahza replied on Wednesday, May 6, 2015 04:57 AM 

Dear CMY i think you should post a seperate comment for this Post/clarification...

Mohsin replied on Wednesday, May 6, 2015 05:20 AM 

By the way the same add is available on the DHA official website without mentioning the statement that after 30th April issued files will not be included.

Usman replied on Wednesday, May 6, 2015 05:21 AM 

Still confused. If I am buying an allocation file that was issued in 2012 to someone else. But will b reissued to me after 30th April, will it b included in ballot? I am going to buy a file that was allocated to someone else in 2012. It will be transfered to me tomorrow. Should I buy?

CMY sir please help.


NFC2 replied on Wednesday, May 6, 2015 07:15 AM 

Yes Usman Shaib, You are safe. This is only for affidavits converted to allocation after 30th April.