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Wednesday, May 6, 2015 02:10 PM 

Is there will be any rebate if some one pays development charges lump sump at once right after ballot. I.e 10-15 % ?

CMY replied on Wednesday, May 6, 2015 02:20 PM 

Most likely yes but Its announced when DHA makes development charges announcement.

Especially with DHA9 fast track development contract DHA will need development charges funds as fast as possible.

Fast track development means development company will have its staff its staff working in 3 shifts 7 days a week.

I will be surprised if we get DHA9 in 3 years. I will be 100% satisfied even if they do it in 5 years.

kmc replied on Wednesday, May 6, 2015 02:25 PM 

For God sake. Look at phase 7 and 8.why fast track for phase 9 just to please file holders. Have a heart. Please account for ground realities. If they atart by 2017 and finish by will be a miracle

CMY replied on Wednesday, May 6, 2015 02:33 PM 

KMC sahib 3 years ago an overhead bridge was taking 3 years to build. Now days they complete in 3 months with use of tons of machinery now available in Pakistan.

I am not trying to please DHA 9 file holders. DHA Lahore is trying to do this.

Open this link of DHA official web site

Zoom in on blue area and read 2nd line that says Fast Track Development work. You may need reading glasses to see it and also may have to open your mind with your eyes at same time:) Because your mind set is stuck at past 10 years when you say year 2022. It should look for next 10 years in my opinion.

Choudry Mujahid Yasin ( CMY )

upfront replied on Wednesday, May 6, 2015 02:33 PM 

Thanks CMY
@ KMC brother it is written in every advertisement by DHA that there will be fast track development CMY is telling nothing that is self created.
Secondly do no compare phase 7 and 8 development pace with 9. Dha is compensating phase 9 holders who hold it for 12 long years by developing it on fast track

upfront replied on Wednesday, May 6, 2015 02:40 PM 

All the very best all phase 9 holders May Allah be with you All

AH replied on Wednesday, May 6, 2015 02:48 PM 

Dear CMY. I remeber your analysis during IK Dharna in ISB. You told it is going to settle and we all witness that same happend. Political situation has great impact on real estate. But people also move money out from Stock and put in property. Plz let us know current situation after q25 N

CMY replied on Wednesday, May 6, 2015 02:59 PM 

I am a diehard fan of Imran Khan and creator of most popular terms like Mother of PTI for Fauzia Qasori and #PTIFamily so my opinion will be biased for any political discussion here:)

I wanna leave politics out of here on this real estate discussion forum and will discuss politics . We can talk about politics on my twitter accounts >>>>>>>> @PTIFamily I dont use this one more often >>>> @Choudrymyasin

Ahsan replied on Wednesday, May 6, 2015 03:07 PM 

Good to hear that you are imran supporter

kmc replied on Wednesday, May 6, 2015 03:23 PM 

I will be very happy if done earlier. But require either malik riaz or shahbaz sharif. I know dha administration have their l8nitations with money as,well as other hurdles

CMY replied on Wednesday, May 6, 2015 03:27 PM 

Dear friend kmc may be they can make more money for them self by speeding up its development work. If I was them I will take this route as It will generate me more money in less time.

info replied on Wednesday, May 6, 2015 03:33 PM 

Agreed with kmc as most of the delay is not because of technology but because of processes, finances and land issues. These issues remain the same for phase 9 if not worse so i don't see any "fast track" development for phase 9 just for the heck of it.

But kmc rationale thinking is just not the point in this euphoria and no dealers would tell you more than 2 to 3 years time line so lets agree that in 6 months phase 9 will be handed over and if malik riaz steps in, it may take 2 months then.

MSN from KSA replied on Wednesday, May 6, 2015 03:50 PM 

@CMY I am following it on twitter but didn't know it is yours.

I have 4.5M to invest, what would you suggest for investment? Ph 9 10M file or any other option?

kmc replied on Wednesday, May 6, 2015 05:04 PM 

People are not prepared to listen anything negative about phase9. If shahbaz sharif or malik riaz intervenes it can be done in 3 years.

shami replied on Wednesday, May 6, 2015 05:36 PM 

kmc just like malik riaz built taj mahal in bt orchard lahore and bt phase 9 pindi or dha Valley in islamabad?

Jameel replied on Wednesday, May 6, 2015 05:57 PM 

Commenting upon development work speed, The Only Issue is to clear the Pockets [ un Acquired Land pockets] DHA would Love to do it is 3 year , more delay means more cost for the you will pay the same.
DHa 6 , 7 they gave nery nice map initially, Could clear Some pockets Could Not Clear some , map changed 3 Times Main roads Blocked , Barki access point Blocked many other Changes Now Things materlized about 9 years after, see ist and Last Map.
in phase 8, they Told we will only Include in the map acquired Land, Too Much "Kata Phat" map, showing Pockets and Lot of Criticism that lket to 25% Price reduction after ballot, still many roads are blocked Because of Pockets.
i have Personal experience of plot near a pocket, For DHA the only Tool is delay or time which Kneel Down Black mailer, DHA did Not contact the owner of Pocket, First he was Coming there daily in evening with Gunman i met him once he was asking 8 cror for 8 kanal, [At that time Price of Plot was only 50 lac and of course he could only Claim 1/3 of that, but as he was Blocking main road he continued. , When 2 years passed he stopped Coming and only Gunman was there, after another 3 years there was no one the encroachment [ the owner could not bear the cost of ckokidar gunman etc] 5th year i heard that negotiations done and Pocket cleared. This Man had only Qabza Jaddi Pushti of Land and there were no legal papers with him I don't know what was final deal.
So mostly things clear but take time. My estimate for DHA 9 Possession is 7,8 years.

bahi replied on Thursday, May 7, 2015 03:31 AM 

Jameel sb,

true statement