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Lahore Rea lEstate ,

Wednesday, May 6, 2015 11:17 PM 

With very heavy heart many posts have to be deleted. I told you yesterday I will be in trouble

For now please avoid any comments on how past ballots were done. We cant prove how past ballot were done and how next ballot will be done So may be we should close this topic till ballot results are here. Too late now we got new ballot on May 15 so lets see how and where its done.

There are limits to what can be posted here.

Most guys have use names abcd hdhdbs mmdnsjd. They just leave few angry lines here of what ever they have to say without worry that I may have to face some one for their comments.

But I have to deal with real people that WATCH this page closely and I have to answer their questions why and who post such stuff here. I have no answers to offer. I you have answer let me know to convey it.

Please forgive me as I dont have a choice any more.

We have to avoid very hard negative remarks. I will also have to be careful what I am posting online.

Also made some changes to make search function active again. The search box above left and names links will help you to see all posts for last 30 days for that search word or person.

I have limited search time to 30 days to improve page loading. As program wont have to search and display last 12 years data. Due to heavy traffic this limit is needed.

I got all name reserve emails. Please allow me to enter them and send you password to make them work again.

Any other friends need to protect his name misuse can send email to me at to reserve his name Send email to Info@LREPK.Com

Shahzad Qamar replied on Thursday, May 7, 2015 03:55 AM 

Excellent step to plug the rumors.

Pardesi, Jeddah replied on Thursday, May 7, 2015 07:10 AM 

Thanks CMY my password is working perfectly