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DHA Phase 8,

Thursday, May 7, 2015 10:43 PM 

CMY sahib. Salaam.
I learn a lot of real estate knowledge from your website.
Allah bless you , and your family. Ameem.
I have one Bad location I Kanal plot in phase 8. V-1216. Infort of graveyard. I will wait and hold until possession of phase 8. Maybe I get little more profit. I am in USA I cannot travel this time
I bought a fife in 30 lac and paid 9k development charges.
I would like to move in ph 9 better locations.
Pls tell me when you get chance. What is the plot value right now
and what will be after possession ?
Better to move right away after ph 9 ballot or wait the ph 8 V block possession. ?
Best regards

malik replied on Friday, May 8, 2015 04:21 AM 

Karamat Bhai u have a very valid question which warrants answer from a real estate GURU . I think many people including myself are wait for the right time to abandon Ph8 and make entry in Ph 9; However timings matter alot in our case