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An important note for all army officers,

Friday, May 8, 2015 04:38 PM 

Make sure when you buy a property or file from open market in any DHA you must become regular member instead of assicate member and pay lower reguler membership fee. You will also get next 2 free transfer within 1 year too if buy more property. In those 2 next properties you dont pay any membership fees..

Also if you have paid associate membership fee at any open market purchase chances are you wont get any special treatment in next file ballots. File holders with regular membership did get special treatments openly and publicly ( Like if DHA reserve a full block Like it was done in DHA6 N block)

95% dealers and army officer do know this and do make mistake by pay associate membership when they should have paid regular member fee. Become a regular member by attaching your army id card with membership forms.

When civil person buys an Army officer army allotted file and than pays as a civil man his associate membership fee this special treatment will not be given to you on army file purchase. So dont pay extra money to your dealers or sellers for army files.

Provided this info IF some army officers do get special treatment my website officers have to be left out.

Choudry Mujahid Yasin ( CMY )

sam replied on Friday, May 8, 2015 05:15 PM 

Mr CMY,Thanks indeed for the info.

Ch Khalid replied on Friday, May 8, 2015 06:28 PM 

CMY Sahib,

A real good information. Keep it up. Very well done as usual.

Aamer replied on Friday, May 8, 2015 06:55 PM 

Dear CMY
What about retired Army officers? They should become regular member or associate member? Will they also get any special treatment or this all is for serving officers only?

hamaad replied on Friday, May 8, 2015 07:03 PM 

Dear CMY
i was not aware of this regular and associate membership thing. But once i purchased a file from open market i did mention in my application my rank and profession. Now how would i come to know wether iam regular or associate member?
please inform me if i can do something in this regard if not a regular member, waiting for your kind reply please

hamaad replied on Friday, May 8, 2015 07:36 PM 

Dear CMY
can i become regular member by depositing regular membership fee before ph 9 ballot, waiting for your help, pl

CMY replied on Friday, May 8, 2015 11:15 PM 

Aamer bhai regular members. Please do call DHA first to verify current policy of retired officers but 3 years ago all serving and retired officers were allowed to become regular members.

This is a very common mistake every officer or his dealer makes. One should not go to any dealer just to save Rs 5000 on file rate. These kind of mistakes are made by newly retired faujo bhai dealers or cell phone holder no office on foot non registered dealers. There are many minor thing like this we watch closly that most people dont pay attention.

A reminder for all friends please fill this form >>> Ballot Ready and Ballot Results <<< to get all data for me at one place to make my job easy for giving you plots numbers on ballot. You have 1 file so not much time needed to enter it. I have to personally enter 100s of files data from emails because it confidential date I do it myself. If you sent an email to do ballot ready check but didnt fill this form please do it here as well. Duplicate entry will be no harm. But for me to go back to each email while having 100s people ask plot number on phone or via web things could get messay. My proirity to provoide results will be given to form entries 1st as the are better order. No need to enter CNIC no any more for ballot results that was needed only for Ballot ready check.

Please please please use this form to help me and help yourself for ballot day. Only your file number and name will be enough for getting ballot results. Web site of DHA and even this page will crash due to overload people looking for results asap. But my this form will be still available to send you results via SMS and emails.

Choudry Mujahid Yasin ( CMY )