CMY replied on Friday, May 8, 2015 07:15 PM DHA phase 9 Prism 8 Marla Commercial Plot. If It doesn't Fit The Budget Than A DHA9 4 Marla Commercial To get the good price on DHA6 L925 sell it before DHA9 plots hit the market. DHA7 all blocks plots abd DHA 8 possession may not let DHA6 plot rise too much even after 1 year from today. If not making house on DHA6 plots please let them go. Not good any more for investment. If making at house in DHA6 don't matters what is the price today or what it will be in 12 months Wish you good luck. You are going to make a good move.. How much gain or loss only Allah knows. Choudry Mujahid Yasin ( CMY ) |