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Saturday, May 9, 2015 06:36 PM 

Anwar replied on Saturday, May 9, 2015 11:38 PM PST

Three\four days back DHA has made bulk purchases of files of Phase 9 from local market which resulted, sudden rise in the prices of all files.Once DHA stoped purchases and moreover at the same time, NDC issuing process also terminated from very next day decline in file rates was observed.Since DHA has bought 1 k file at 63 lak and 10 and 5 marlas arround 43 and 27 lak respectively. Hence as per my thinking same will be the minimum tharash hold for each file. I would humbly request CMY bahi for his valued comments please.

CMY replied on Sunday, May 10, 2015 12:33 AM PST

Anwar your point is valid DHA bought 400+ files at 5Marla @ 27+ Lacs , 10 Marla @ 43+ Lacs and 63+ Lacs for kanal.

Almost every file purchased last week was taken and transferred in DHA name.

Choudry Mujahid Yasin ( CMY )

Moin replied on Saturday, May 9, 2015 07:12 PM 


Khalid replied on Saturday, May 9, 2015 07:25 PM 

CMY sir,

Do you recommend buying 5 marla file @ 26-27 lac now if one wants to hold plot for minimum 1 year? Need ur expert advice.

JazakAllah kher

mani replied on Saturday, May 9, 2015 07:26 PM 

What is guarantee that ballot will be fair after knowing that DHA himself is holder of hundereds of files

Khalid replied on Saturday, May 9, 2015 07:26 PM 

Talking about phase 9 proper* 5 marla file.**

CMY replied on Saturday, May 9, 2015 10:21 PM 

First I should explain how this next ballot will be held. 1000s of visitor dont even know mechanism of it and its my duty to explain them to take out their anxiety and fear for this ballot on May 15th. It may kill my weekend but I have to do it to help my friends here because no one else will do it for them.

Please note carefully I am going to use these numbers for example only. They are not exact numbers or files or plots.

We assume DHA9 Prism have total land of 40000 kanal. Lets assume DHA9 prism map master plan you will have 10000 one kanal plots 2500 10 marla plots and 5000 5-Marla plots. Lets assume there may 8000 allocation files issued to date for one kanal 4000 for 5-Marla and 2000 for 10 marla

Now you will ask where are 2000 files of one kanal 1000 of 5marla and 500 for 10 marla because we have plots on map for those files. These are files that are not issued to land owners because they have either not sold their agri land to DHA yet and DHA may buy it in future. or they may have given land to DHA and purchase that take 3 months is not done yet or they have given land to DHA but have not requested their files to be issued for any reason. Lot of people do this by leaving there files to get them alloted when price are very high or when they badly needed money. In falling market they dont want to turn their files into plots yet. Some times peoples files are on hold from going into ballot because owners are in litigation with DHA for their land in DHA9 or DHA6 or 7 or 8.

So now you may understand even there are 17500 plots available plots to be allotted on master plan of DHA9 Prism only 14000 allocation files can be balloted on May 15 2015 to those pool of 17500 available plots in master plan of DHA9 Prism. After computer matched 14000 plots remaining 2500 plots are allotted in mini ballots. So DHA will have 25000 plots and when 100 new allocation are made DHA can do a mini ballot or DHA can wait for couple of more years and do a mini ballot when 1000 or 2000 new allocation are issued. This is choice of DHA admin to select for how long they will wait and for how many files to be ballot that are issued till date. A major ballot is held in direct supervision and control of Corp cmdr Lahore DHA Secretary and DHA administrator. A mini ballot is held under DHA administrator and few multiple department heads in DHA Lahore. Major ballot is going to be done with use of computer but any future mini ballots could be hand picked or computerised one I dont know for sure here. Depends on how many allocation will trigger a mini ballot If 100 files it could be hand picked. If 1000 it could computerised.

To do a computer major ballot DHA hires three separate largest private software firms. all three are paid even amount to make software. That software is verified to be working fairly by computer science departments heads of 2 to 3 large universities like LUMS etc with DHA administrator corp commander and DHA secretary also there. These companies are given dummy files numbers to allot available plots with the software is tested. Once tests prove software is working properly. Their PC are now sealed to open them on ballot day.

On ballot day 2000 to 3000 people are invited to attend ballot ceremony. At this ceremony software companies show up and once again their software is rechecked with dummy data of small sample. 2000 to 300 people show up on ballot. All DHA department heads show up there. Corp commander Lahore show up there. Secretary DHA show up there. A chief guest is invited. It possible Gen Raheel Shareef may or may not be there as chief guest on May 15 2015 to give possession to Shuhda families in DHA town.

Once ceremony starts each department head of DHA will brief public on latest updates including on on going projects and DHA9 Prism main features future plans time line number of plots in master plan development starting and time line to fish it will be explained. While every body is giving briefing a actual data of allocation numbers will be upload to computers that were sealed and retest just before ceremony. Same university heads will run one last test once that news data is matching plot numbers correctly. Programs is reset to start from beginning. All three firms computers are now ready for ballot now with actual allocation numbers data.

Chief guest picks up one firm out of three firms name draw. One kid from crowd is invited to press the start button. After pressing button results of computer matching the numbers are displayed on screen one by one. They are slow enough for public to see few allocation numbers and allotted plot numbers for fewer plots categories like commercial plots but for 1000s of plots you dont have enough time to catch any data until it at last page. All ballot results are now printed and corp cmdr Lahore DHA administrator and secretary DHA sign each sheet of ballot results. After ceremony DHA display copies of ballot results in its head office buy making 4 or 5 sets so all have chance to easily see results.

I dont work in DHA and wrote all above info best to my knowledge. I ask for your forgiveness If I made any mistake errors in understanding above in process. I saw personally how it happen for 90% parts of above lines but 10% of it was classified process I just heard how its done from DHA staff. I have no control no benefit to explain above info to you. This is how past major and mini ballots were done and I dont know if May 15 2015 ballot will done in same fashion or not. I pray that next ballot is fair transparent.

I have full faith in DHA Lahore admin that it will be fair Insha Allah.

Choudry Mujahid Yasin ( CMY )

CMY replied on Sunday, May 10, 2015 01:09 AM 

Moin bhai Files purchases by DHA Lahore is not private or confidential information. DHA is not doing it 1st time. They always buy a few files or plots here and there. Once they buy a file all pay orders are issued from DHA accounts. Buyer name is used as secretary DHA. File NDC is cleared on same day. Its transferred right away within couple of days of purchases in most cases. So these purchases cant be kept confidential.

But this time DHA file purchases is large in numbers. Some say 300+ files were purchased by DHA Lahore and some say it was 400. Dont have exact tool to check how many total files were actually purchased by DHA Lahore in last 3 weeks time. On Monday only 5 files will be transferred in DHA name from only our clients.

I am scratching my head to figure out what is going one here. Is this a good sign or a bad sign that DHA Lahore itself is buying these many files and on highest market prices of these is not understandable to as a businessman.

When people say here DHA Lahore is buying these files to allot best plots to them self in ballot. I start laughing at these people. People dont know that after major ballot in any phase DHA is legally allowed to do a mini ballot for same phase any day if they have issued 100 new allocation letter files. This can be done without any major supervision from people outside of DHA .

So if DHA wanted to give best plots to them self why are they risking to buy these many file in public first. For example I know the allocation numbers of all my clients that have sold their files to DHA or will be transferred in DHA Lahore on Monday and Tuesday. I will be able to see what plots numbers are assigned to DHA Lahore purchased files. I will be able to see and challenge any hanky phanky in one minute. Why would DHA staff take that kind of chance. Serving officer run DHA departments so they can be investigated by army internal investigation and intelligence units. Major ballot has approval stamp and signature of Corp cmdr Lahore so any hank phanky could be very costly to lower rank officers.

If DHA had to hand pick these plot numbers they could just do it after ballot. After ballot allocation or affidavit files may be cheaper than 63 lacs because you dont know when a next ballot is going to be held to allot file numbers to them. DHA could just buy cheaper files from open market after major ballot and assign them self best located plots from the pool of thousands of plots that will not be balloted yet because their allocation are not made yet.For details on why 1000s of plot are still not allotted plot number at Major ballot see above post.

DHA could have made a bulk purchase of files from land investors. I personally know one guy that has 800 files in DHA Lahore. If wanted DHA could have picked all files from these type of folks. DHA could have bought all these files that are not even issued yet but will be issued in next few months even after May 15 2015 major ballot at lower rates than 63.

Why DHA went in open market to buy these files in open market and highest going rates in last 3 weeks. I dont thinks It was for allotted good plots to them. If any one wanted to cheat us easiest way to cheat will be like this. DHA could just mark any number of good plots and not send them to ballot at all to be matched with any current allocation files on May 15 2015. And latter buy files slowly at lower rates and then keep allotting themselves those great locations to sell at high rates.

Why why but why DHA bought these many files in public and was very very open at each purchase they are buying them and buying them just before ballot.

My guess is they bought them to increase prices to launch new plots on instalments at lot higher prices than 63+ lacs rates or DHA is confident that after ballot prices of newly balloted plots and un issued or not ready future allocation files will be lot higher than their 63+ lacs purchases. Or It cant buy enough plots at market prices for allotting them to new army retries in next few months or Its short on needed land wanted to make up for it before ballot because its thinking files could be higher than 63 after ballot due to even higher plots prices.

I cant figure this out all day. No hint coming from insiders why DHA made major purchases. If DHA only did this to increase prices to help people and dealers I cant be more happier :)

Any one have any clue and take me out of this mess to figure out why why why

Choudry Mujahid Yasin ( CMY )

Khalid replied on Sunday, May 10, 2015 02:06 AM 

CMY Bhai , when DHA is expected to display Prism 9 ballot results on their website for public?

CMY replied on Sunday, May 10, 2015 02:54 AM 

Before it took 2 to 4 days

Izhaq replied on Sunday, May 10, 2015 07:13 AM 

Dear CMY,
as per above ballot procedure explained you mentioned if Gen. Raheel Sharif is invited as chief guest he will give possession to shudah families of DHA 9 Town.....Does that mean 9 Town possession is on 15th May 2015?? Please clear the confusion. Many Thanks.

CMY replied on Sunday, May 10, 2015 12:57 PM 

Even if Gen Raheel Shareef is not at ballot on May 15 2015. A possession data is very "LIKELY" to be announced to start handing over plots for construction in 1 or 2 months time for DHA Town,

Choudry Mujahid Yasin ( CMY )

Anwar replied on Sunday, May 10, 2015 02:05 PM 

In my humble opinion,as I have already stated that it would be to fix minimum thrash hold of plots to be sold\purchased after ballot w\o development charges.A good location plot will have better value.Rest ALLAH knows all.

Shahzad Qamar replied on Sunday, May 10, 2015 03:43 PM 

in my opinion this Buy Back thing is not a good sign at all and it is impossible that DHA would think that in future the prices would be much higher so buy the files, they are owners and have such things in their hands. Now the fate of ph9 is not in Ballot hands but in its Map's hands (I think there is something fishy that will turn up at map release only). I wish everything goes well.

MUZZAMIL replied on Sunday, May 10, 2015 07:01 PM 

IMHO DHA dont have enough land in its hands (complete grasp , may be in litigation or in purchase/allotement process) to allot plots against them , so they are buying back files in bulk , these files wont be part of ballot (as they dont have land against it)
they are reserving some land for them to build apartments etc to be sold in installements.

CMY replied on Sunday, May 10, 2015 08:34 PM 

MUZZAMIL I agree with your apartment idea. DHA have hired 10 people strong marketing team recently. So file purchases could be for apartments.

Or may be files for installment plots now but later same team could work on apartments.