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Best investment option for next few years,

Tuesday, May 12, 2015 04:17 PM 

Dear Fellows,

I got 9-10 million which I want to invest for next few years. In the past had very bad experience with Eden Land, lost so much money there and this is my whole life earnings.
Based on your expert knowledge, could you please give Honest advice, which is the best option for investment? Some fellows suggest Phase 7/9 others Phase 5 extension.
Confused! Please help! JazakAllah

Mohammed replied on Tuesday, May 12, 2015 07:47 PM 

Dear CMY/JAMEEL Sahib, please advice!!!

WiZeIce replied on Wednesday, May 13, 2015 05:19 AM 

Dear Mohammed, If you have made it to the site, spend another half hour to 40 minutes going through what the folks here are saying, you will know what, where and how. Put in your own assessments in the end.