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Tuesday, May 12, 2015 10:25 PM 

I can not figure out, how come pahse 9 is considered the best DHA project ever?? 20-30% of the plots will be at very bad locations, 30-40% "excellent" plots will go to army people, 10-20% plots have been bought by DHA. So it comes up to only 10-20% "moderately good" plots for civilians. Should we still consider phase 9 the best??? If experts still think phase 9 is the best of all, then it can only be possible if DHA other pahses offered 5-10% good plots to civilians & phase 9 is offereing 10-20%. I have two files in phase 9 but very disappointed to see how this phase is unfolding. :h :h

aa replied on Wednesday, May 13, 2015 12:40 AM 

I agree with u 100%.only army persons will get plots near town andphase e 5 M block. Civilian will gey as always average or bad location plots.

amir replied on Wednesday, May 13, 2015 01:05 AM 

sensible conclusion,i agree to the notion.

Amer replied on Wednesday, May 13, 2015 04:32 AM 

That is the problem in Pakistan, where civilians are always treated as 2nd or 3rd class citizens. DHA scheme is purely for the benefits of only one community, who makes money at the cost of civilians money. It was first & last time I invested in DHA. It was a good lesson to learn that on common people's hard earned money other "special" people are filling their banks & 90% of people get plots in worse areas. Thanks to lre website & CMY which gave us the awareness.

Khan replied on Wednesday, May 13, 2015 05:49 AM 

Dear Amer,

I think there is no need to be disappointed. Civilians are also earning crores from DHA. I believe you must not stop investing in DHA. Anyways, choice is yours

Amer replied on Wednesday, May 13, 2015 06:33 AM 

yes, of course every one earns money, but the difference is low class citizens(civilians) earn 10-15 laks & first class citizens earn 30-40 laks per plot.

Tahir Mahmood replied on Wednesday, May 13, 2015 07:09 AM 

Dear Amer Ur trying for an unnecessary hate full discussion. Its still time, sell your files of DHA as u lack trust on those where u have invested. Mere this thing that despite the hate u expressed in ur post u r keeping the files means u r a Hippocratic type of person. my strong feeling is that u hav missed the fright and r trying some thing in vain. CMY to please take note. check his IP address and of those who commented with fake names.

Shahzad Qamar replied on Wednesday, May 13, 2015 07:36 AM 

Amir, I am really surprised at your math. how come DHA buy back 400 files (say 400 kanal) is equal to 10-20% of 40000 kanal (say 20000 kanal based files).
Dear sir, rework your calculations please.

KS Noor replied on Wednesday, May 13, 2015 07:39 AM 

I agree with Mr. Tahir, we all should be rationale in our discussion, DHA is mainly for Army, no body compel us to invest there, it is our sweet choice where to invest... if you have such mistrust in Army go to LDA, Eaden or else invest in Dubai. plz dont spread disappointment because on the same page majority have earned millions from DHA

mahmad replied on Wednesday, May 13, 2015 10:08 AM 

What our civil organizations do? Name a single good housing society developed by LDA. We civilians do nothing and instead try to pull legs of those who deliver.

omer replied on Wednesday, May 13, 2015 02:09 PM 

@mahmat sir,even the delivery comes after 20 years ,but it still calls in USA ,never heard that any armed force in the world involves in housing schemes..but thats my BELOVED PAKISTAN.when we here busy developing housiing schemes ,our enemies doing their jobs of slaughtering our COMMOM people in bus..forget all this and makes money everyone..we r sure as muslims that we gonna enjoy our home in thsese societies after 20 years..all the best

mahmad replied on Wednesday, May 13, 2015 02:46 PM 

Armed forces are working for their work force. Every good organization do it to retain its work force. People are tempted to join army and that is the purpose . They cannot leave their man power at the mercy of civilian government who cannot even establish a trust worthy housing authority in a country where a single person became a business tycon by delivering quality in time. I think they are doing best in current circumstances. We should ask our political leaders why they cannot make such institutions. Why government with so many resources cannot establish good housing and give it to educated people on lease?

omer replied on Wednesday, May 13, 2015 03:07 PM 

if army is making those houses for their work force then it shouldnt be sell in open market in shape of files and affidavits.there are housing schemes provides by army only for army people,not for is not the job of government to provide housing to all the people ,their job is to provide basic facilities like infra strucdture ,health and education and security to its people .yes govt can make low housing schemes for poor but not 2 carore 1 kanal plots.and if u please guide me how many civilian govts finish their term without the asheer baad of armed forces in the history of pakistan ?lets be honest with ourselves ,one question for all of you ,can a civilian with minimum wage of 12000 a month having a wife and one child can live in DHA ?point is that my 1 brother is in US army and they works as p[rofessionals not as the kings ...simple as that...they know how to lives in their salaries ,they dont got plots after every three years of postings in different areas..the only benefits they gets from us govt is that it will help them in education for them and their kids,no plots no foreign trips ,no special treatments whatsoever

amer replied on Wednesday, May 13, 2015 10:16 PM 

@Omer you summarised the whole Pakistan culture in few lines. Social media is now playing very important role to create awareness among people. The day will come soon when Pakistani people will start realizing what has been happening with them from last 70 years & who has been behind all this.