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Lahore Rea lEstate ,

Saturday, May 16, 2015 07:14 PM 

Dear Brothers and Sisters
After reading so many comments that Army walay achay plots lay uray etc, Here I would like to clarify one thing being part of family of Army Back Ground i asked my 4x Fouji cousins who were anxiously waiting for the balloting, none of them got any good location plot even one got in front of grave yard. I myself applied as Civilian and ALHAMDOLILAH allocated plot on 150 feet road in Sector D. so my humble request please dont blame just research and ask your friends in Army about balloting they will tell you how transparent balloting was...infact to my understanding only 5% plots are good location and every can not get a good location....just trust ALLAH NO ONE CAN TAKE AWAY RIZK ALLOCATED TO YOU BY ALMIGHTY...TC