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Please email your plot locations for price assessment inquiry to ...,

Sunday, May 17, 2015 08:58 PM 

Dear CMY Sahib.
I think, the time has comes to make every participant of this forum to be a RESPONSIBLE for what their word. There is NO such thing as "anonymous". Let's every genuine "users" be given a fair chance and "Abusers" must be kicked out (Sorry for my harsh words).

Please implement a user policy. I have strong conviction that this will not cause any road blocks to the traffic on this sate. Here are my 2 cents..

- Must registered his/her name.
- Email address is requited BUT this is not enough.
- Must provided a valid (local/International) phone number.
- Password must be sent to that PHONE NUMBER - ONLY.
- Either email id OR phone number must be published along with NAME, so that the person can take full responsibly of what he/she says.


Abu-Bakar replied on Sunday, May 17, 2015 09:10 PM 

I guess the last bullet can be dropped above.
(For Confidentially and users inter communication reason) But you must have in your records. This will do...

A replied on Monday, May 18, 2015 08:46 AM 

You have no idea what PII is. no one should be allowed to publish your email/phone. That doesnt happen in any sensible place.

putting your name doesnt make your genuine user. Anonymous is someone who doesnt want to be known. What would happen if he puts your name instead of Anonymous? you dont even have basic knowledge on online user security & profiling (i work in that field).
Take your frustration out on something you have basic understanding of.