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Lahore Rea lEstate ,

Saturday, June 20, 2015 02:49 PM 

In response to the post No. 74173 by Mr Ghulam Mustafa Malik on the subject cited above,

Mr. Ghulam Mustafa Malik Sharia has given the share to daughters & this right cannot be taken away by brothers on any false pretext. Though in every case there is time limitation to initiate legal proceedings but in cases of inheritance if daughters are deprived of their share from the property of father they can approach court of law anytime even if third party interest is created. I tell you with guarantee that if the sisters file case for their share no one can deny their Sharee share they would definitely get their right however it mat take time in the court but at the end of the day surely they will get their share of property. Do file case if you fail on all accounts & I'm sure that the matter would be compromised when the fraud of brother would be highlited. The Punjab Govt has introduced a law whereby depriving female legal heirs is a criminal act & carries stringent punishment. Consider having recourse to this provision of law as well. Don't leave your right ask your aunts to approach court & if they do so your father if support the case of your aunts then they would be on much higher pedestal & likely to get their piece of land soon. No body would easily give share of cake illegally obtained. It is criminal act they have cheated not only your aunts but the Govt as well by concealing the existence of legal heirs of your grand father so any building built on illegal foundation is likely to fall. The legal heirs of your deceased aunt should be arrayed as plaintiffs along with their surviving aunt and the defendants should be the legal heirs of your deceased uncle along with your father. Your father should mention in his reply/written statement his willingness to give due share to his sisters.