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Bahria Town marked for Lahore Ring Road’s southern,

Wednesday, June 24, 2015 09:52 PM 

Bahria Town’s stakeholders were confused about the route of Lahore Ring Road (LRR)’s southern loop when it was announced a few weeks ago. I think the wait is over now, as the authorities concerned have marked Bahria Town for the development of the LRR, which will actually run through the locality and will likely acquire the properties that fall within its route.

Bahria Town’s Iqbal Block, Rafi Block and Tulip Extension would most likely be affected by the development of LRR and that the authorities concerned had marked the houses and plazas that would be razed to make way for the highway.

Bahria Town authorities were in the process of negotiating with the government to minimize the area affected by LRR. Bahria Town would compensate those affected by the construction of the road.

The questions arising here are: what will be the compensation rate? Will it be according to market value? How many investors and home-owners will be affected? Where will they be given alternate properties, if any? There are no particular answers at the moment and guessing is pointless, but our hope is that Bahria Town’s management will let stakeholders know what is going to happen sooner rather than later.

If Bahria Town is already in talks with the government, it probably means that the developer is taking the matter seriously and is actually thinking about the property owners who will be affected. The developer may have planned the society keeping LRR in mind, but as it stands, this seems like a sticky situation to be in.

I would suggest investors and home-owners in Iqbal Block, Rafi Block and Tulip Extension keep a close eye on developments and wait until Bahria Town comes forward with a compensation plan. You must be worried about your properties, which is completely rational, but it is highly unlikely that Bahria Town will leave you hanging so my suggestion would be not to worry until there are more facts available.

At the same time, I would like to congratulate the investors and home-owners in other blocks of Bahria Town, who will finally enjoy the juice of LRR’s southern loop.

Please share you thoughts regarding LRR’s markings in Bahria Town

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Golf view replied on Thursday, June 25, 2015 02:36 AM 

So where is new map of LRR?
What's the impact in Golf View Residentia.
Is there any map where LRR is shown overlaying Golf View?

Amer replied on Thursday, June 25, 2015 06:59 AM 

Thanks for the update and certainly the rout is the same as shared by CMY or LRE Website. It was written on wall

Respected Hafiz Sajad & BT Experts is it recommended to build home near LRR? ( I own 10M plot near 255 Iqbal), keeping in view noise & pollution from highway? Thanks

KSA replied on Thursday, June 25, 2015 07:22 AM 

What about Golf View Residencia.

This will be affected by LRR or Not??????????????????

KSA replied on Thursday, June 25, 2015 08:38 AM 

Before couple of days; the Hafiz Sb has shared the map to the same discussion forum that LRR will badly affect Golf View Residecia

Which map is true now?????????

According to the new Bahria Town Lahore's comments today there is no any word here that will show that GVR will be affected by LRR.

Here only Iqbal Block, Rafi Block and Tulip Extension are mentioning.

Who will clear above two different discussions i.e. 2 different schools of thought

Naveed replied on Thursday, June 25, 2015 09:07 AM 


I've my plot in Tulip Ext, I'd stop construction after I saw the LRR marking, visited Iqbal, Rafi & Jenefer blocks and talked to members(affected from LRR) most of members were uncertain with hope Bahria will compensate enough. I compiled an application(asking Bahria about LRR status and compensation) and get signed of 14 members but Bahria Authorities refused to submit application with argument "We don't have any notice from Gov on LRR yet, plus we are in discussion with Gov to change ring road please stay relax and in case if LRR passed through we'll compensate"

Looking at current LRR map it is unbelievable(for me at least) to imagine, it will pass very close to Grand Mosque, separate F block completely, a lot of residences, will be killing for Bahria's beauty and safety - I guess MR will definitely do something to change LRR current map

I can count at least 3 members who stopped construction due to this issue(in last few weeks) started again so I am also planning to start construction again with the hope, MR will be good to Bahria Members.

Any Thoughts?

imran replied on Thursday, June 25, 2015 09:58 AM 

hafiz sb has shed detailed light on above issue in some of the older posts which yu can search scrolling down. LRR will pass through Bahria and cash strapped MR after paying heavy amounts to Army in lieu of dha valley fraud cannot afford the cost associated with re routing of LRR and punjab govt doesnt consider sector e and f legal as those have not been approved by any authority so will go ahead with current LRR plan...bahria has actually abomdoned Lahore project and only concentrating on karachi..they damn care about lahore anymore as they dont have any future expansion plans here

ALI replied on Thursday, June 25, 2015 04:07 PM 

Please some body guide me that whether LRR will affect Golf View Residencia BT Lahore OR NOT???

Hussain Kaisrani replied on Friday, June 26, 2015 01:02 AM 

This post is copied from which is very FAMOUS in being with developers and project owner. All this information is old and just to keep the members calm.
Please take this post in this context.